If there’s one thing I’ve found out in the last 4 months, it’s that there seems to be some kind of law that states “The universe responds to those people who push forward and do shit.” I don’t like to get all woo woo, but there may be something to the law of attraction thing.
A lot of people have all these dreams. Ten years later you see them and they are doing the same thing. Ten years later, they are miserable as hell as they see their dreams dying.
If only they knew that once they start doing stuff, big things start happening.
Forcing it
Somewhere around mid August of last year I started racking up some bills that I needed to pay off. In order to pay them off, I knew I needed to make more money than I currently had.
At this point I had two options.
- Push off the bills and accumulate debt
- Using my time wisely and making more money
I went with option 2.
At the outset, I was just interested in making more money and paying off some bills. As it turns out, I got a lot more.
My first step was to ramp up my fiverr game. Second, I found a part time job delivering food.
This pretty much filled my entire day up with work and was extremely exhausting.
The Grind
For about a month my days consisted of getting up and checking my fiverr account for new orders and completing them. I was doing a lot of writing for clients which was taxing my brain. But I needed the money.
After about 5 hours of this I would get my stuff and go do deliveries for a new food delivery start up. Here’s the thing about not having anything to do but work, you start filling up all your time with it with no end goal in sight.
There was no reason for me not to work. At some point within a few weeks I was able to pay my bills. That wasn’t a good enough reason to stop though. I figured I had nothing to do so why not just keep working and getting paid? I could essentially do each of these jobs every day whenever I wanted, so I wound up doing it every day.
I started questioning what I was doing really fast. What is the point of just working endlessly for no reason? Then I started to think about what I wanted to change.
Pushing forward
I wanted a greater level of freedom, so at this point I got another job. I had no idea what I was doing, but I didn’t like what I was doing so I just said fuck it and went forward.
I do some homebrewing in my off time and while shopping for goods, I noticed the store where I was at was hiring. I figured what the hell and signed up. Surprisingly I got hired.
I figured this gig would be pretty easy because I already know about beer and homebrewing. This was incorrect. In fact, this was an extremely physically demanding job.
The reason they were hiring was because they were entering Wine Season. This is when they order a shit load of grapes and everyone in the tri-state area comes to buy it. It was chaos.
I must have carried thousands of 55 pound buckets to people’s cars. I’d then hoist them into the back of their trucks. Usually they provided zero help and it was up to me and one other dude to do all this with lines of people waiting for this stuff. Making wine is serious business.
You know who loves wine? Fucking bees. The dock where we were loading all these wine buckets was swarming with bees.

Making Wine
Another fun thing I did at this job was unload 200 huge wine barrels out of a truck in blazing hot temperatures. These things weighed upwards of 100 pounds. That was a rough day.
While this was a huge pain in the ass, it provided me with a little more leeway in the freedom department and I was able to start setting stuff up.
The Universe Called
About 2 weeks into this madness I got a random call from someone while walking into the gym. It was another company I applied to a while before this whole mess began. It took me off guard because I didn’t recognize who it was.
They wanted me to come in for a position that I applied to that provided a lot more money, great benefits, and considerably less headaches (and body aches) at work.
I went through the process of interviewing with a little help from Phenibut, and got the job.
I firmly believe that if I never committed to the process, the universe never would have responded with a juicy gig.
Start doing stuff
I wanted to live in a nice apartment. I needed some money to do this. Here I am months later and I’m in a nice apartment.
Back in the day I wanted to make a website. I made a website having no idea how to do it. Here I am years later with a website.
I wanted to make money online. I started grinding on fiverr. Now I can make money any time I feel like it.
Trust The Process
The reason that I was able to start pursuing different positions was because I had the mindset that enabled me to do it.
I say this because I’ve had conversations with people recently who gripe and moan about their position in life. I had one particular conversation with a friend who was saying, “People like me, we don’t ever make more than 40,000 a year.”
If you want something, start working towards it without any expectations. Do the work faithfully and the Universe will absolutely respond. It may take a few days, a few months, or a few years, but it will respond.
Want more money? Get a better paying job and start working online. Stop crying about your situation.
Want to get bigger? Start eating more and lifting more. Stop crying about your situation.
Want to swoop fly chicks? Start going out and talking to fly chicks. Stop crying about your situation.
Never Stop Doing Stuff
Once you start getting your shit together you may feel inclined to lay back and get lazy.
This creates stagnation and will stop any kind of momentum you have built up.
Sometimes we get to a place and we get comfortable. This has happened to me in the past and I fell back and didn’t push as hard.
The key is that once you get to that place, don’t forget what got you there in the first place. Even if you don’t want to do anything different, do it anyway.
Always be looking to do something different and new in order to keep advancing.
As an example, you may get a position that you think is really good. Where I’m at right now there have been people working in the same position I’m in for 5 years or more. That’s death.
If you’re someplace awesome in your life, take that as a sign to try something different. You’ve already dominated the game to get where you are. Doing the same thing will only lead you to stay where you’re currently at. If you want to move up, you gotta do something different.
Never stop.
Bottom Line
The fear of failure is an irrational fear. You should ignore it because we’re all going to die anyway. However, if you somehow had confirmation that you will be a success down the line if you start, it’s that much easier to do so.
The universe is listening and just waiting for you to start.
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