Recently Donald Trump won the US Election and sent every Hillary supporting liberal into a complete and total tailspin.
They are looking for answers and blaming everyone for their loss. In this chaos, they are left to wander the abyss of the mind without any notion of what to do next.
The way forward is to finally wake up. In order to do this and finally come to truth, you will have to strengthen your immune system first.
The way to strengthen your immune system has nothing to do with drugs or ailments you have to take. It has to do with making your body physically stronger, and mentally stronger.
Both the physical and mental are tied together.
Build the physical in order to stop illness, build discipline, and ward off foes.
Build the mental in order to see through the propaganda, reduce stress hormones, and build willpower.
Build the Physical-Lift
After the election, many people took to the streets to protest a guy who won the election fair and square. They were literally protesting the republic.
I questioned half jokingly whether any of these people actually lifted.
Take a look at a random group of protesters or people on the left and you’ll find a serious lack of gains. What this tells me is that these people don’t have their shit together and are being led around aimlessly by shadow forces.
Starting a lifting program is the first step to taking control of yourself and not allowing outside forces to influence your mind. The reason for this is that lifting weights is literally taking control of your body and sculpting it into something stronger.
The act of lifting weights to make yourself stronger strengthens your body, and strengthens your mind as well.
If you’re new to lifting and looking to start somewhere, I would recommend a simple system using a mix of compound movements, bodyweight exercises, and some bodybuilding exercises. I wrote my starting routine here.
Once you have been lifting for a while feel free to modify as you see fit. It’s not the specifics of how you’re lifting that’s important but the fact that you are lifting.
Keeping the body strong will keep you from having to deal with a bunch of crap. You’ll feel more energized, have less sickness, and look much better.
Build the Physical-Yoga
Most guys don’t have a big opinion of yoga because it’s mostly seen as a womanly activity, but yoga is very useful.
One of the paths that a lot of guys take is they get involved in weight lifting and completely neglect their flexibility. As a result, they become extremely stiff.
It’s just as important to stay flexible as it is to build muscle for overall health of your body. Being flexible will keep your joints feeling good, as well as help with back pain. Flexibility also helps with being able to move. As people age, they get more sedentary, this leads to more aches and pains, which leads to less movement.
It’s a downward spiral that ends up taking a lot of people out. Their hips stop working, their shoulders stop working, they stop moving, then they die. It’s known that sitting down all day like an office drone will lead to horrible posture and causes a lot of problems for people.
Take precautions now to make your flexibility a priority.
Build the Physical-Martial Arts
Having some kind of training in martial arts will give you a number of benefits. First, you will be able to reduce stress with the knowledge that you can handle yourself is somebody starts fucking with you.
Second, you will build your core and have exceptional cardio. Try going 10 rounds against someone while throwing kicks and you’ll see what I mean. Your core is constantly flexing and you are being pushed to the limit. It’s exhausting.
Third, you’ll be able to ramp up your aggression on a moment’s notice by doing a bag workout or shadowboxing. Using this aggression can give you an enourmous amount of energy.
After you are capable of handling yourself in a physical altercation, you’ll be free from so much stress that you’ll stop worrying about stuff that won’t affect you. This is why people that are bad motherfuckers are usually pretty chill.
My theory on a lot of people protesting is that it stems from fear. They are scared that something will happen to them as a result of the election, when the truth is that 95% of people’s lives won’t be changed at all. This anxiety causes them to lash out emotionally. Instead of protesting, fight the root cause-the anxiety of not having control.
Build the Mental – Recognize Propaganda
Years ago, people in advertising and business joined forces and discovered the magic of marketing and memetics.
They used this knowledge to market items to you to buy and make themselves rich.
Examples of this are cigarettes in hollywood movies, and diamond rings for engagement proposals. 100 years ago, people didn’t do any of this shit, it was popularized through the use of magic in media.
These same business leaders used these techniques to consolidate their power. They bought up all of the media and use it to transmit their messages.
The way to fight back is to recognize what is going on and read the code.
The place to start here is to study logical fallacies and treat everything like a detective would. Detectives are paid money to solve crimes. They do this by asking important questions like who benefits most from a crime and what is the common theme of the offender.
The detective is open to all possibilities and goes where the evidence takes them. Use this to see through common lies being peddled on television.
Start questioning why statements are made and watch as they struggle to come up with an answer. Start drawing your own conclusions based on your own experience.
Build the Mental – Meditation
Our bodies are constantly bombarded with stress hormones. This will manifest in a constant anxiety towards life that can only be stopped by moving forward with your work or by meditating.
By building up your meditation capabilities, you will experience a calm attitude that will last for a whole day or more. Being calm will eliminate distracting thoughts that will give you the ability to focus on whatever it is your are doing.
Besides the ability to focus, you can gain the ability to heal your body with meditation. A healthy body is required to navigate the world. Spend any day with a hangover and you’ll realize just how important health is to getting stuff done.
You can use meditation to heal your body by inhaling deep into your gut and letting it out while at the same time relaxing every muscle of your body. Visualize this relaxation going around your body in a wave.
If you have a certain area that is ailing, visualize this relaxing wave going right to that spot and healing it.
Build the Mental – Your Will
Your willpower is a muscle and you can increase it’s power by exercising it just you would exercise your bicep muscles.
The way to exercise your will is to start doing stuff that is good for you in the long run, but not neccessariliy in the moment. For example, taking a cold shower is good for you because it gives you energy, wakes you up, and gives you good skin, but the initial shock of the cold water is enough to send people running.
By taking cold showers over and over again, it becomes easier. It also amps up your willpower so that other stuff becomes easier to do.
If you find you have absolutely zero willpower, look into a 30 day program like 30 days of discipline.
The ability to easily exert your willpower to do stuff will make you stronger and give you the ability to do anything.
The Base
After building your base of physical and mental, you’ll begin to realize that any paranoia you have disappears.
After you have your base, you can begin to start tackling the truth. You won’t be prepared to accept the truth until your bases are covered, so build your base first.
If you have any friends currently suffering from severe bouts of paranoia because Trump won the election, please give them this guide so they can start to move forward instead of crying every day.
A change in leadership of the country won’t affect 90% of your life. Stop pretending like it’s the end of the world because your guy didn’t get in and start working on the 90% that you can change yourself.
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