The other day I was having a conversation with someone about the true goals of feminism. My theory was that it was a CIA mind control program to create better worker slaves by breaking up the family and indoctrinating the youth in government mind control centers.
The answer I got in return was completely irrational and the stuff of fairy tales. She said, “Feminism is about getting equal rights for women.” I broke down laughing and walked away. There was no point arguing with someone who believes in phantasms.
Rights don’t exist.
Rights are a completely made up idea that I suspect was created to ultimately keep people in line.
The Problem
Growing up in America, we learn in social studies classes about these funny things called rights. Seems that the people who made the country had this radical idea to give people certain things by the very nature of being an American citizen.
They even went ahead and created a list of rights that you would get upon being born.
However, it always struck me as odd when I was growing up that the rights that were given to people of this country were the result of winning a war against the current power.
So the people didn’t have the rights before the war, but after they won they had rights?
Unfortunately many people in this country can’t wrap their head around the missing element in the rights equation-violence.
The only rights you have are what you are able to take and keep, they aren’t given to you.
You aren’t entitled to rights just by nature of being born. Unfortunately this is what is being taught to people in school.
This is unfortunate because this line of thinking breeds weakness. If you think you already have certain rights ascribed to you from birth, you’re less likely to take up arms against your oppressors. It also breeds a certain level of arrogance. You think you’re owed something by your government or fellow man.
It’s bunk. You aren’t owed any kind of right from your neighbor and they don’t have to afford you those rights you think you’re owed.
Furthermore, you aren’t granted some kind of equality measures as a right.
Equal rights between men and women don’t exist because rights in general don’t exist.
The Proof
When I was in college I took a bunch of criminal justice courses. I can remember in vivid detail going over every right in the bill of rights and what they meant. During these classes, we’d look into how various authorities would completely ignore your rights when you were supposed to have them.
Right off the bat we don’t have the right to free speech. Try saying stuff that is factually correct, but not politically correct. You will have mobs of people trying to find out who you are and attempt to get you fired from your job.
The reason for this is that companies would rather fire you then have to deal with the negative backlash from the orc hordes. Remember that the next time you go to work.
Another assault on the 1st amendment is “free speech zones”. Essentially when you try to protest something, the authorities will set up fenced areas in which it’s ok to protest. These areas are often laughably far from whatever event or person that the group is trying to protest.
Say what you will about protests, but if you have a cordoned off area as your only area to exercise free speech, it means your speech isn’t free.
What about the 2nd Amendment you say? I still have my guns and can fight for freedom if it ever gets really bad.
Yes and no. Sure you can own guns, but you need a license to carry them concealed. So it’s not really a right if you can’t even carry them on your person without the authorities permission.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m pro gun. I just don’t use the 2nd amendment as a valid reason to owning a gun. The reason I think I should be able to own a gun is because I believe in the concept of self defense.
It’s not like you can outright own any gun you want either. If you live in California, you can only own a gun with a maximum capacity of 10 rounds.
Why? Can we really say that we have the right to own guns if we’re limited in certain areas?
We’re given certain leeway in owning guns, but if things ever do get bad, they can take that leeway away immediately. That’s not a right.
We’re not even past 2 amendments and already we’ve established that rights don’t exist.
When you get to the 4th amendment, it’s an outright joke. No really they are actually joking about it.
In the above video, the then director of the NSA is arguing with a reporter about the wording of the 4th amendment. He claims that probable cause isn’t in the wording of the amendment.
He’s basically taking out the safeguard part of the amendment rendering it completely useless. So in his world, unreasonable searches and seizures are whatever he wants it to be. Thus, you don’t have a right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures.
This is the NSA that we’re talking about here. The same group that has the ability to listen to all phone calls, internet browsing, and records everything no matter the rhyme or reason.
They are telling you that you have rights while at the same time completely ignoring said rights. That means you don’t have rights!
The only rights you have
In this world, the only right you have is that which you fight for and are able to keep. You get to have rights by fighting and having power over another so they can’t do anything to you.
Rights are directly correlated to the amount of power that you have. This is why it’s important to get as much power and freedom as you need to ensure that you have your “rights”.
There’s two paths:
- Fight for your freedom in every aspect of your life. Get fit, get financially independent so you can do what you want, and stay that way.
- Whine about everything in your life, never taking initiative. Cry about how you are guaranteed certain rights by birth and die miserable.
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