Recently I’ve been playing around with the idea of what it means to get up in the morning. In the past I’ve written about how getting up early can lead to more productivity. I have found this to be true through experience of actually getting up early. See what I did there? Obviously getting up early is written about all over the internet, but as a complete crack head night owl who stays up to 5 AM, I turned it completely around for a month and got up at 5 AM.
That means I know what I’m talking about!!!
Of course, I could be completely making up everything, so you will be tricked into thinking that getting up early actually works. The result of which is you take my advice and get up early and find that it works for you too. Internet marketing at it’s finest people.
Besides getting up early, there’s another aspect of getting up that will determine if what you are doing in your life is what you should be doing. By taking a look at this one small thing you are doing, you will be able to decide if you are on the correct path in life.
I may be oversimplifying it a bit, but that’s what we do around here. Your “path” is just a fancy term for doing what you want to do. Strip some of these terms down of their spiritual or woo woo meanings and you get to the truth.
What is this action I speak of?
How long does it take you to get out of bed?
Let me clarify exactly what I mean by this. The longer it takes you to get out of bed, the less likely you are to be doing some activity that is good for you.
Please disregard if you are getting up to an alarm clock for work
Back when I was working in my office job I had an alarm clock right next to my head. The thing would go off right in my ear and I would get up pretty fast. The reason for this was that if I didn’t get up, I would be late to work and would be fired.
If you currently get up really fast from your slumber because you have to get to work on time, disregard that data.
Instead, take the days that you have off and use that. How long does it take you to get out of bed? If you wake up, pick up your phone and start looking through it, only to turn over to go back to sleep for another hour, maybe re think what you are doing in life.
Reason I say this is because this is exactly where I was years ago. I would be hesitant to get up because sleeping felt better than real life at that point. I would try to avoid getting up as much as possible and stay in bed way too long. I envisioned my life as a good guys vs bad guys Die Hard movie in which I was taking out a tower full of terrorists or some shit. Having nothing to do during the day but look at my computer was getting boring in light of the fact that come Monday morning, I would have to go back to doing death.
How fast do you get out of bed?
If you are sitting in bed unwilling to get up, it’s very possible that you don’t have a compelling reason to actually get up. Think about all the times you took some chick home with you from a night out on the town. You wake up, you got a rock hard boner, and you are up immediately looking to continue the actions of the night before. Boning a broad that is sleeping next to you in bed is a pretty compelling reason to get up. It’s not like you would say to yourself, “Geez, I’m kinda tired, maybe I’ll just roll over and fall back to sleep.” No, it’s more like, “Alright, here we go, time to sling dick.”
Think back to all the times you got out of bed immediately and there’s usually a compelling reason. If you are having trouble finding a reason compelling enough to jump out of bed, I have the perfect solution for you:
Create a reason
All you have to do is just set some stuff up that gets you excited. At some point in the process of setting it up, you will have to fall asleep. Upon waking up, think of that exciting stuff you were setting up and you will jump out of bed to get working on it again. Again, simple stuff, hard to implement.
I’ll give you an example from my life. I like money, and I like the freedom it provides you with. So when an opportunity to make a lot of money came by through actions I took the previous week, I jumped out of bed to go meet with some people to make this happen.
One area that I personally found to make me jump out of bed was making money. Not potential money, but actual real money in my pocket. If I know that when I get out of bed, I’m pretty sure that I’ll get a ton of money in my pocket by day’s end, I will more than likely get out of bed really fast because I want to get to it.
If you are having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, give this activity a try. Do something where you know you will make money that day. By doing this action, you will put paper in your pocket. Let me know how it works.
Possible activities to try:
- Writing an ebook for someone on odesk.
- Doing a PPC campaign to send traffic to your site.
- Write copy for a company.
Once you get the money in your pocket, analyze how you feel in that moment in time. Usually I feel pretty damn good. Remember that feeling the next day you get up. Does that feeling make you get up any faster?
There’s no real answer I can give you to make you want to get up faster. All I’m saying is that the speed at which you get out of your bed is a pretty good barometer I’ve found to determine if what you’re doing is worth it. Hopefully this gets you thinking.
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