Recently I was reading an article on Real Christian McQueen that was pretty incredible. The article was about how fast you implement something has a direct correlation on whether or not it gets done. While this is easy to understand when it comes to something like doing laundry, it also applies to big ideas as well.
After reading this I thought back to a bunch of projects I did, as well as ideas for other things that never got started. I noticed that the faster I implemented something, the more likely I was to go through with doing it and finishing it to completion.
Implemented fast
One specific example of how I implemented something immediately was when I experimented with building a facebook page for my niche site. I read this article on Location 180 about successfully building a facebook page for your business. The article goes into setting up ad campaigns and what to target to get the best result.
I immediately pulled out my credit card and gave it a shot. Along the way I learned a good deal about Facebook ads and built my page up to a good number before I stopped messing around. I accomplished what I set out to do.
Implemented slow
I can’t tell you how many ideas I’ve had for online businesses. Talk is cheap and action is what really matters. This is why it’s important to immediately implement ideas. If you don’t, you’ll start thinking about it way too much.
What if this doesn’t work? How do I do this? How much will this cost? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve balked at doing an idea just because I had to sign up for some service that costs $30 bucks a month or something. When you sit down and think about it it’s not really about the money. I’ve spent well over $30 bucks before without a second thought. It’s all about fear of failure.
The way around this is to just jump in without thinking and get to work. When it comes to making an online business for yourself there is very little downside to doing this. Even if it doesn’t work out you’ll still learn a lot along the way.
I remember distinctly one idea I had for a business idea. The idea was for a niche site based around selling crossfit equipment. I came up with this idea when I was down the shore. I was dreaming about something and woke up thinking about crossfit for some reason. I sat in bed for about an hour thinking of what to do for the site. Then I went down to the beach and forgot about it. I always thought it was a good idea because crossfit people are crazy and will buy anything around crossfit. Also, stuff like weight lifting equipment is very expensive so the affiliate commissions would be good.
I didn’t implement this idea immediately and curiously enough, it never got done.
Stay on task
While reading this article I’m sure you either thought up a new idea or remembered an old idea you had that you never did anything with. The key here to be productive is to immediately open up a new tab and start working on it. Don’t question anything, just go up and open a new tab and get to work.
Now that you have the idea and are well into working on it, there’s another problem to discuss. What happens when you get another idea? This happens to me all the time. Right now I have about 10 ideas of different things I’d like to start doing, so how do I implement them all immediately? Just take the first idea you have and complete it. Don’t start another idea until you have it completed.
When you have your idea completed, whether that be a niche site, e-commerce site, or whatever, then you can dive into the well for more ideas.
Here’s the progression to get more done:
- Come up with idea
- Implement idea immediately
- Complete idea
- Come up with new idea
Never waiver from this formula and you will get tons done. Got an idea for a website? Build it and don’t stop until you have it where you want it. Then come up with another idea. Trying to implement multiple ideas at once is a recipe for failure. Stick to one at a time and go go go.
Implement immediately.
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Great post.