There’s a lot of bullshit on the internet, chief among them get rich schemes. These are usually ebook schemes in which the product being sold is getting rich. The authors are in it for a quick hit and have to constantly be making new ebooks promising fantastic results in a month.
This shit doesn’t work because it’s not long lasting and is a one trick pony.
Some people will argue that the way to get rich is to save as much money as possible for years and when you get to a certain age, you can retire off of it. The problem with this is that you aren’t guaranteed to live to x age, let alone to tomorrow. Even if you did live to that age, why would you want to second guess all your purchases for your best years.
While living frugally makes a lot of sense in this keeping up with the joneses age that we live in, saving money will never make you rich unless you are making a lot of it in the first place. The cost of second guessing yourself isn’t worth the reward when you aren’t making x amount of money in the first place.
Living frugally is a good practice, but won’t make you rich.
Others will see this problem for what it is early on and attempt to get into a field that is traditionally seen as something that has a high salary. The mistake they make is that not only will you go in serious debt by going through not only college but higher learning as well, but then you have to go get advanced specialized degrees. All this takes time as well, so by the time you are starting out, you’re already well into your 30’s before the real money starts rolling in.
By then you are fully committed and entrenched in a career that pays a pretty nice salary, but there’s a catch. The catch is that you have to work serious serious hours of the week and be “on call” a lot. On top of that, jobs like these will put you in a position of having to mask your true personality. In the PC human resources world we live in, you could easily get fired for something you said on twitter that was a joke. You’re at the beck and call of institutions that are increasingly becoming crazy. Fuck up once and there goes years of work down the drain and you’re back at square one.
Having a high paying job will make you rich, but at the cost of all your time and walking on egg shells.
The way to avoid all of this and get filthy rich is very simple. Have more money coming in. Always have more and more money coming in. Once you have that down, have more coming in after that. The best way to do this is to own your own business that sells something. Good news friends: the internet has allowed anyone to do this with a few hundred bucks. It’s easier than ever and you don’t even have to know anything about coding. Just jump in and get started, before you do though, cut through the bullshit.
I’ve been on the other end of the spectrum before a few times. I’ve had legit jobs before that gave me x amount of money each month at the cost of y hours each month. You find out pretty fast the limitations of what stuff you can spend money on. You have a small slice of freedom. Personally, I want the whole pie.
Sell Something
There’s a bunch of people on the internet saying how you should make a blog and make money that way. It’s a fantastic idea that I agree with, but you should know the investment it takes to get a blog to that level. If you are planning on making a blog and having it be a huge success right away, don’t quit your day job. It could take up to a year for your blog to start getting traction if at all. In my opinion, you should start a blog, but it should be something you are doing in the background and not something to rely on for money until later. Yes, work diligently on it, but honestly how long does blogging really take? I can run this blog, all my other sites, go to the gym, and still fuck around for hours in a single day. If it takes you all day to run a blog, try to get that number down.
If you are making a blog in the background of whatever else you are doing, understand that you can’t really become rich unless you are actually selling something. This is done by offering a subscription site, ebooks, or affiliate marketing of some kind. You could also parlay your blog fame into a successful youtube career if being on camera is your thing. Through youtube you could get rich by using their advertising system or selling your merch. Again, this is more a long term strategy and not a way to get money right away.
If you need to quit your job yesterday like I did because you’re about to go on a rampage punching through brick walls if you have to take any more bullshit, then just give freelance writing a try. You can make enough money here to bridge into creating an actual business. No, freelance writing isn’t really a business because you only make money when you are writing. You could get rich doing huge copywriting campaigns, but you’re still only making money when you’re on. Freelance writing is just something you can always jump in and do if you need money in an emergency or something to get by.
If you want to get rich, one of the best things you can do is start an e-commerce business. This has never been easier. There’s a lot of different platforms you can use and I know people have their different preferences, but if you are just starting out and just want to use the easiest system, I implore you to give Shopify a try.
The advantages of a running an e-commerce store over every other type of online venture are thus:
- It’s an actual business. You’ll be selling physical goods and the internet never closes. After the initial setup, it’s just a matter of marketing and you will be making money all day.
- It’s instant. There’s no developing an audience to critical mass before making money. Use the power of PPC to send traffic and you can start making money immediately.
- You will get a better business sense running a store having to deal with suppliers, customer service, and making deals. Make it here and you can run a business anywhere.
- After running the business for a while and making a good profit, you can sell your business for a lot of money.
- Not that this matters much, but you will actually have something to tell people when they ask what you do. Telling people you are a writer doesn’t work that well. “What, like books!?!?”
Books on Kindle Direct Publishing
Speaking of books, another way to start a business is to write actual full length books and sell them. Again, the stars have aligned and there has never been a better time to be an author. Kindle Direct Publishing pretty much allows anyone to head over today and publish their books. You handle the marketing and Amazon handles the distribution. Have enough books up here and you could be making serious cash. You could even get enough push to get a real publishing deal from it.
I don’t have enough experience in this regard to talk at length, but my friend Robert from 30 Days to X has talked about this and I trust his judgement. Head on over there if you are interested.
Use your extra cash to build more revenue
Now that you have the cash rolling in, you’re going to be wondering what the hell to do with all of it. Now’s the time to invest that cash in new assets to build revenue. The possibilities are endless, but one avenue you could take is buying other e-commerce sites through website brokers.
Do your due diligence here obviously by looking at their backlink profile and their analytics reports and get a good deal on a site that makes money. Bam, now you have another stream of income making you money every month. Keep doing this to get a bunch of new revenue streams.
From here you could explore a software business. I mention this because a friend of mine’s dad had a very successful software business. His clients were pharma companies and the guy is balling. He’s in his early 50’s and is already retired. He could stay retired, but is instead looking to start another business.
Another business I just came across is We Watch Your Website. I recently had some issues with my website going down due to the internet tubes being filled. I called my hosting provider and they suggested I get in contact with We Watch Your Website. So I signed up for the service and away I went. I wondered how long the service would take so I called the contact number. Turns out the guy who owns the company picked up. He went in depth with me on a number of issues and was very thorough with his customer service. Went into the business a bit and he is doing insane numbers. The way he did this was he made his own software to scan sites and uses it for all his clients. Brilliant stuff.
If you have any trouble with your website, don’t hesitate to give them a call and sign up with their service. For $40 bucks a year, it’s absolutely worth it.
The key to this article is to go from having the attitude of saving money all the time, to the attitude of finding a way to have more money come in and building. The difference is subtle, but very important.
Having more money coming in > Saving money
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