Your consciousness is a word cloud of thoughts that flies around inside a box inside your head. Constantly confined to the box, you can influence the world only through the use of your meat vehicle.
Everything about how you feel, how much you can do, and how you can interact with the world is dependent upon how well your meat vehicle works.
You are born with a base. Where you go from there is completely up to you.
You may have a meat body that is complete shit, you may have a meat body that is awesome. What you do with it is what matters.
Take Control of Your Body
I’m in support of doing what you want to your body to achieve your desired result.
That includes drugs. I support drug legalization.
I don’t think the government has a right to determine what drugs are acceptable for you. That’s on your shoulders. I take a libertarian stance on drugs because you should be free to take whatever you want.
This is the way it was 100 years ago. Everything was legal. Coke, heroin, meth, steroids. All legal. Somehow we still made it as a species.
That being said, I think it’s dumb as shit to use most drugs. Alcohol is horrible for you. All the hard drugs like coke and heroin destroy lives.
Support Steroids
Currently if you are a woman in America, you can get prescribed any number of steroids.
If you want to trick your body into not making eggs, you can flood your body with enough steroids legally to stop reproduction.
If you are born a woman, but want to be a man, you can get steroids prescribed to you and have that happen.
However, if you are a man who wishes to change the chemistry of his body, you can’t get steroids prescribed to you without a shit ton of hoops to jump through.
This is because the medical establishment doesn’t want people walking around that are completely optimized. Currently there are any number of toxins in the environment that is wreaking HAVOK on your testosterone levels.
If something doesn’t change, we’re going to be facing a world in which there’s an arms race for reproduction in which those with the most steroids wins.
Next Level Advancements
At some point in the future, they are going to come out with stuff that blows steroids and nootropics away.
If you could take a pill and turn into Captain America overnight, or have instant genius status like the guy in Limitless, wouldn’t you take it?
This is all coming. Genetic engineering, cybernetic enhanecments, nanomachines. At some point in the future you will be able to live much longer and affect your mood instantly with robots.
What will the response to this technology be when it’s readily available to the public?
In light of the response to steroids, I would imagine that all of this technology would be demonized in some way.
The people in charge don’t want all of this transhumanist technology getting into the hands of the general public. They want to lord over us with infinite lifespans.
Again, this will turn into some type of arms race.
Think about it for a second, if you have a body filled with nanomachines that will fight sickness, what would happen to the pharma industry? If you have drugs getting rid of anxiety, why would you go to work to pull levers all day?
The elite are keeping us in a technological dark age on purpose to limit competition to them.
Go to the doctor and get your body tested to make sure everything is in working order. Make sure that all your hormones are working correctly and at adequate levels.
Do everything you can at this point to have the best working shell you can. It’s the case that carries around your consciousness. You have the opportunity to have a Maserati or a 20 year old ford focus with 130,000 miles on it.
We maintain our cars like our lives depend on it, constantly getting oil changes, tune ups, and new tires, but we don’t maintain our bodies the same way.
Maintain your meat vehicle, whatever it takes. In the end, we’re going to die anyway, why not maximize the years you have by having the best working body possible.
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