As I stated in last week’s health article, I recently got into juicing pretty hardcore since Christmas. This was pretty much all due to the advice of a gentleman named Mike Cernovich. Mike writes about a myriad of topics on his blogs and is an expert in juicing. I respect what Mike has to say, so when he suggested I give juicing a try, I listened.
It turns out that as I was writing said article, Mike was busy releasing his new fit juice trilogy of ebooks. I acquired the trilogy and decided to do an honest review.
Juice Power
In the first book of the trilogy, Mike goes through all the reasons of why you should start juicing and various questions a new juicer may have when starting out. The great thing about juicing is that it’s one of the easiest ways to quickly turn around your health.
Without your health, what do you have? We like to focus on this site about freedom, but what kind of freedom will you have if you are laid up in a hospital bed or can’t walk anymore once you reach a certain age? In this sense, think of juicing as the most affordable health insurance out there. Not only is juicing a hedge against degenerative disease, but it will also make you feel incredible in your day to day life. That’s a win-win.
Here’s some of what is included in Juice Power:
- How to get started juicing
- Juicing vs Blending debate answered
- How to save money juicing
- In depth juicer reviews (what fruits and vegetables work best in different devices)
- The specifics on the benefits of juicing
- The juicing cures cancer debate
- A ton of recipes that address specific ailments
- A juicing tips section that offers a ton of great advice (adding lemons, adding fat, juicing on the go)
Where Juice Power shines is that it’s a phenomenal resource for anyone who is on the edge of starting a juicing regimen. This would be a perfect gift for someone who isn’t really technically savvy or doesn’t have the time or inclination to go looking up juicing information online. An example would be some aunts and uncles of mine who I would love to see get healthier with little to no effort.
This book will also benefit the casual juicer as well because of the level of detail Mike goes into on the subject. You will get information here that you wouldn’t get anywhere else. The beauty of Juice Power is that it never gets preachy or woo woo at all. Mike presents the information in a very straight forward manner backed up with scientific studies. He’s honest where other people wouldn’t be. He isn’t touting juicing as a magic pill cure all, just prevention against degenerative diseases down the line. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Juicing for Athletes
The second book in the trilogy specifically addresses how to leverage your juicing to become a better athlete. Mike covers some really incredible stuff here. I’m fan of all the health benefits of juicing, but this is what really got me into the game.
This book covers:
- Athletes who use juicing to enhance performance
- How specific fruits and vegetables enhance performance
- The best recipes to get the most boost from your juice
- The timing of when to consume juice to get the best benefit
- Supplements to use with juice to get even more of a benefit
Before learning about juicing, I had read that high level endurance athletes were using beets to get a boost in performance. It wasn’t typical supplement hype or marketing either, it was the real deal. I always wanted to give it a shot but didn’t feel like eating a bunch of beets. Once I discovered I could just juice them, it was off to the races for me.
The recipes and supplements talked about in Juicing for Athletes are legit performance enhancers. Outside of anabolic steroids, these juices are the next best thing. This is refreshing as there is so much BS associated with the expensive supplement industry. Juicing is low cost, and much more effective.
This book is perfect for athletic coaches at all levels. I wish that my coaches had this information back when I was in high school. I played Football and Track in high school and my coaches were clueless on the subject of nutrition and exercise. In Track, seconds can mean the difference between winning and losing. I sincerely believe that had I been armed with this knowledge back in the day, I would have done even better than I did.
Juicing for Men
There is a very real war going on in Men’s bodies. It’s a battle that has been secretly raging for years caused by numerous toxins in the environment, stress, and horrible diet. That war is the war against Testosterone.
Toxins, stress, and a bad diet all add up to create a perfect storm in your body which wreaks havok on your testosterone levels. As an expert on this matter, Mike went about creating a juicing program to specifically address this issue.
This book covers:
- How to combat stress
- The right mix of fruits, vegetables, and herbs to increase testosterone
- Up to date science and research papers backing up his info
- The best diet and training to enhance the effects of your juicing
This book interested me very much. Just recently I turned 31 and while I haven’t really felt any symptoms of low T, all I need to do is take a look at the older men around me to know what’s going on. It’s only a matter of time until some of this stuff will start affecting me so it’s a great resource to have.
This book is perfect for people like my brother, uncles, and dad. These are all guys who would not ever consider getting into TRT because of the stigma created in the media through the years about steroids. A great alternative for them would be to get them on the protocols in this book to maximize their natural production of testosterone.
While I love the design and the layout of these three books, there are a few spots where there are random images thrown in. I also noted a few areas where Mike talked about the same thing twice. I assume this was because he was compiling the book from a bunch of blog posts, so there was bound to be some overlap between them.
Another gripe is that I would really appreciate this book in a hard cover with a spiral spine to use in the kitchen. Hopefully something like this will be available in the future.
These gripes are pretty small and don’t detract from the immense value you get with these books, but I had to mention them because they are there.
If you want to get your health in order as fast as possible, you should get into juicing. These books provide all the information you will need, and will get you started on the right track right from the get go.
I highly recommend these books if you are even slightly interested in your health and juicing.
Get the Fit Juice Trilogy here.
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