Fight Club is filled with many good scenes that are applicable to the modern world’s hellscape, but one in particular always stood out to me. The scene is where Tyler goes into a liquor store and brings the clerk outside in order to “rob” him.
He has the man explain what to him what he wanted to do in life and why he wanted to do it. He then tells the man that he will die. Then he takes the man’s licence and explains to the man that if in 6 months he’s not working towards his goal, he will come and kill him. He has his license now and knows where he lives.
After, he tells the man to run off, which the guy does. The narrator asks Tyler what the point of that was because he didn’t understand the point of threatening an innocent man with a gun and making him shit himself.
Tyler responds that the man will have the best day of his life tomorrow and his breakfast will taste better than any we’ve ever had. The point being that the man has been given motivation in the form of his death to do what he was supposed to do in life. Armed with the motivation and energy of this fact, he is now unburdoned with finding the energy himself.
The narrator’s words upon realizing this sums everything up, “No fear, no distractions, the ability to let that which does not matter truly slide”
The point of the scene is that under threat of immediate death, you are motivated to get the hell up and do what you have to do as FAST and EFFICIENTLY as possible to get it done before you die. We live with this idea that we have tomorrow, then tomorrow comes and you push it off to the next day. If you look at time from the perspective of outside our lifespan, our existence is really a small blip compared to human history.
We don’t have the luxury to be wasting time as we’re already dead. Our life spans are so short that our lives are almost insignificant. Therefore it’s important to realize that we’re almost in the same situation as the liquor store worker from the scene. We don’t have a gun to our head to make us realize we’re going to die, but in a few short years, all of us are going to die. We’re not going to be saved by uploading our brains to the internet like these trans humanists think.
In light of that, it’s important that we stop wasting time and every day get the fuck after it and do what we have to do.
If people knew how little time it would take to completely turn their life around, they wouldn’t be sitting around wasting time, they’d get to work. In our minds, it seems like some herculean task that is impossible. However, in the span of one year you could be completely on your way to complete freedom.
So what’s stopping people? In a word, distraction. Our minds are stopping us like a defense mechanism designed to keep us from harm. We don’t want to experience any form of pain, so even starting on the path to freedom is excruciating. In order to stop us from experiencing pain, our minds will throw anything at us to stop. The quickest thing our minds come up with is distraction. It will come up with anything to stop us so when we start ignoring the mind, it gets desperate. It will start making you think of random shit in order to get you distracted and on to some other activity.
Unfortunately, we live literally surrounded by distraction. Everywhere you turn, there is various forms of distraction that the mind can use to stop you from completing a task. The internet is one of the best tools that people have to free themselves, but it comes at a heavy cost as well. The cost is that it’s incredibly easy to be distracted by random shit. Back in the day, there were great libraries that held all of human knowledge. In order to be distracted you would have to travel on foot and make a hard choice to get distracted. Now, it’s as easy as turning your phone on.
Social media has been programmed in a certain way to get people addicted to distraction. Whether this started out as a money grab or was designed from the start to distract people to control them is irrelevant at this point. The fact is that these programs are meant to capture your attention and get you addicted to it.
Youtube is becoming more and more like social media every day. They are implementing features in order to get you even more addicted to it. It’s already bad enough where you can watch videos for hours and hours and have no idea where the time went.
It’s becoming more and more apparent that social media and the internet in general needs to be eliminated almost completely from my mind in order to get stuff done. This isn’t an option anymore. The nefarious nature of these distractions are sickening to think about. Try going a day without having your consciousness intruded on by advertisements or stories about meaningless bullshit. Actually take a moment and look at facebook. Check out what the people on your timeline are saying. None of it matters. You can’t go a day without this meaningless shit thrown in your face. You can’t get away from it, it’s suffocating.
The people at the top KNOW this. They understand that if they throw enough shit at you, most people’s willpower will eventually just break down and succumb to being distracted.
You have to understand that all this distraction is a form of WARFARE waged by the elite on the masses. You’ll never wake up to the declining standards of living if you are constantly distracted by bullshit. As long as your consciousness is constantly bombarded with this negative energy, they know that you will never have the energy to resist.
Remember, they don’t care about what this negative energy is, just as long as it distracts you. All forms of distraction ultimately benefit the elite because it secures their position at the top. Ask yourself the next time you are doing something, is this ultimately benefiting my position in life? Is this giving me more power? Most likely it isn’t. If it’s not, completely eradicate it from your life.
This will take unbelievable amounts of energy at first. We’ve been conditioned our whole lives to listen to the negative energy. We’ve been conditioned to care about all this stuff that actually has no bearing on our lives. For years we’ve found comfort in our little distractions.
We have to steel our minds and harden our bodies in order to accept what we consider “pain”. We do this by daily practice of avoiding distraction. It’s not enough to merely block certain activities on the internet as some have suggested. While this could work in the short term, it’s just not possible to avoid distraction in this manner. The better solution would be to completely eradicate the need for distraction from our minds.
We need to start looking at distraction as actual war on us from the elites and say, “Not today motherfuckers”.
We’re going to die soon. The elites want us consuming and consuming until we die, they don’t want us rising up and stopping them. They want to live off our work like a parasite. The very act of saying no is extremely dangerous to them.
Waking others up starts with yourself.
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