Over the past 15 years I’ve read about every conspiracy you could ever think of. After all this time, I’ve yet to come across someone that doesn’t believe in conspiracy theories.
Everyone believes in them, it’s just a matter of what brand of conspiracy you buy into.
Unfortunately, most people don’t think about conspiracies this way. They only think that their brand of conspiracy is what matters and everything else is something that “kooks” believe in.
Once you go down the road of believing in conspiracies, you have to be open to the fact that all conspiracies could be true.
Left Wing Media Conspiracy
For years, Conservatives would bitch about a left wing media conspiracy in which the media basically is another arm of the Democratic Party.
I used to listen to Sean Hannity in the mid 2000’s and he would bring this up nightly on his show on Fox News.
Fast forward to 7/22/2016 and a massive story hits the internet.
Wikileaks released thousands of emails from the DNC showing all sorts of collusion with pundits in the media.
The left wing media conspiracy was proven to be true.
The Media Response
Because they were caught red handed, the media response was to simply try to ignore the story for as long as possible. The problem with that strategy is that we’re living in the age of Twitter where news is happening 24/7. It can’t be controlled so easily.
Faced with the modern reality of having to confront that they are paid off by the DNC, the media comes up with their own conspiracy to distract you.
The counter conspiracy is that this whole DNC email leak is due to hackers from Russia who want Donald Trump to be elected because he will then disband NATO.
Whether Putin is behind this leak or not, the question is what this have to do with the veracity of what is presented in the leak?
These people want you to start thinking that if the DNC leak gets major coverage, it will only help Donald Trump to win. Unfortunately this doesn’t address the fact that the DNC leak shows not only major collusion with the media, but also a concerted effort to get rid of Bernie Sanders. It doesn’t matter if Satan himself was the one who started the leak, the fact is that the conspiracy is true, and everyone is seeing it.
Conservative Response
One of the most amusing things about the DNC leak is that conservatives have been somewhat quiet as well. They are beginning to play into the Russia angle as well.
This is just more evidence that the major “conservatives” aren’t really what they were presenting themselves as. This is just more of the “cuckservative” theme that exploded last year.
Essentially, major conservatives like the National Review have outed themselves as being false opposition to the democrats. This should be obvious to anyone paying attention given their hypocrisy over going to war for dubious reasons, but it’s become so blatent in the past year that they are losing any readership they once had.
One Conspiracy To Rule Them All
Now that your eyes are open to the possibility that conspiracies are real, I’d like to introduce you to the main conspiracy of your life.
There are slaves and there are masters.
Years ago, people figured out how to get other people to do work for them. Why work hard when it’s so much easier to get others to work for you. They set up various systems to enslave people in order to live a life devoid of responsibility.
Back in the day, this meant literal slavery. They forced people to work for them through the threat of death. Somewhere along the line, some intelligent masters figured out that you can get much more work out of slaves if you make them think they are free. This is when the systems went from indentured servatude to debt and being a wage cuck.
Even to this day, you see people in the USA who think they are “free”. I always say to them, if you’re so free, try to put an addition on your house and see how free you are.
They don’t have the option to get up when they want, say what they want, or wear what they want, but they still think they are free.
Break Free
It’s becoming more and more possible to break free of this new slavery by using the power of the internet. Yes, you’ll still be living in the same debt system created by the international bankers, but at a minimum you’ll have your time and your opinions to express as you see fit.
If you’re not working on a business for yourself, you need to start setting that up. When you make enough money to cover your paycheck, I guarantee you’ll start thinking differently.
Stop listening to the media. If the DNC leak proves anything, it’s that the media can’t be trusted. Most people know this at an instinctual level, but will go right back to watching the news and holding anchors to some high esteem as arbiters of what is true.
Turn off the news and start going on Twitter for news. You’ll get way more perspectives on Twitter than any news source on tv. You’ll also get breaking news as it happens instead of hours later.
The reason for this is that people on Twitter aren’t trying to come up with a cohesive narrative with the rest of the media. Ricky Vaughn had the identity of the San Bernadino shooter 5 hours before you heard it on tv.
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