Recently I was trying to become proficient using Google’s pay per click advertising program Adwords. In doing so I discovered that the internet has basically made college completely useless at this point. I realize that this is obvious to most, but it hit me in the face when trying to learn something new. The reason […]
Skills for the 21st Century
There’s a lot of people my age who got a degree in some random area that doesn’t automatically translate into a career. Some people I’ve worked with over the years seem lost and find themselves in a job in order to get by. These jobs usually provide enough money and benefits in order to live […]
How To Ace A Job Interview With Phenibut
Before reading this, take a minute and look at my Medical Disclaimer page. About a year ago I was in need of some money. I had a lot of spare time on my hands so I started to apply to some jobs that I saw. I have moderate to severe social anxiety and going to a […]
30 Day Writing Challenge
For the month of June I am going to be dedicating myself to writing books every day to release on Amazon Kindle. This is a pretty serious challenge and I can’t wait to begin. I’m not sure if this is even possible but I don’t care. I’m going to give it a try anyway. This challenge […]
Niches For Men
Recently I’ve been getting lost in the worlds of random Youtube videos and Instagram accounts. I say I was getting lost, but that’s only half right. Part of me was getting sucked into the different accounts and their content, and the other part was doing real research captivated by how low quality some of this […]
How To Add A Full Width Header In Genesis
I really like the Genesis themes. They offer a lot of functions out of the box that other themes would require plugins for. They also look very nice and are responsive. This means that all you have to do is upload the theme and your website will work on laptop, tablet, and mobile without any […]
Website Traffic Lessons
I’ve had this website since June of 2013. I also have a couple other sites from which I can draw data from. One thing that has always made me giggle was looking at the random pages that brought me traffic. One of the more interesting things about blogging is that most often, the unexpected happens. […]
How to Get Traction Online
I have looked at online marketing and making money online for years. The problem with a lot of what’s out there is that most people are looking for some solution that is a shortcut. Whatever the latest way to get a quick buck without having to do any kind of real work is what’s hot. […]
How to Actually Get Rich
There’s a lot of bullshit on the internet, chief among them get rich schemes. These are usually ebook schemes in which the product being sold is getting rich. The authors are in it for a quick hit and have to constantly be making new ebooks promising fantastic results in a month. This shit doesn’t work […]
Philosophy Of A Niche Site
Last week I talked about how to go about finding a niche for your site. Once you have your niche figured out, it’s time to go about actually building your site. Once you have everything set up, you should consider the philosophy of your niche site. Doing this beforehand will eliminate a lot of the […]
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