Your mind has an unbelievable ability that a lot of people don’t get to see. When you start pushing yourself to levels that are rather uncomfortable, your mind will start throwing stuff at you that you haven’t thought about in a long time. Your mind knows all your fears and demons you are keeping locked […]
Distraction is Warfare
Fight Club is filled with many good scenes that are applicable to the modern world’s hellscape, but one in particular always stood out to me. The scene is where Tyler goes into a liquor store and brings the clerk outside in order to “rob” him. He has the man explain what to him what he […]
How to Stop Wasting Time
Earlier today I managed to waste about 3 hours of time by sitting on my couch watching the tv show Spartacus. The time seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was 3 pm already. The night before, I had a plan of getting up and going to the gym, doing heavy bag […]
Master the Basics
Back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s I went to martial arts classes. These classes consisted of stretching, learning basics, kata, and self defense techniques. Later on, I’d start sparring on a regular basis as well. I can say with absolute certainty that the most important aspect of those classes were the basics. I’m […]
Lessons From Ninja Gaiden
My childhood was in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Back then, video games were a different breed. You had to get really good at finding patterns and have the endurance to beat a game in one sitting. There wasn’t any saving or checkpoints. It was all or nothing, you beat it or you don’t. The world […]
Cernovich Nootropics Stack
A few months ago I read a great article called “How to Write 10,000 Words a Day“. In the article, it goes through a process by which you can write 10000 words a day and get massive work done. One of the things about making content is that the more you make, the better momentum you […]
Music To Write To
Whenever I’m writing, I like to put on music in the background. Something about having music on puts the never ending distracting thoughts on hold and lets me just write. Some types of music works better for this and I find myself going back to the same tracks over and over again when I’m writing. […]
How To Go From Consumer to Creator
One of my biggest addictions is sitting watching movies over and over again. I’ll justify it by saying I’ll just watch while I’m eating breakfast or lunch, and before you know it, I’ve seen the movie Fast Five 30 plus times. This type of mindless consumption is very addictive because it allows us to turn […]
How to wake up in the morning immediately
One of the biggest wasters of time I’ve encountered in life is sitting in bed under the covers. I’m neither fully awake or fully asleep. I’m just sitting there like a slug being unproductive. Recently I’ve taken on a few jobs and I’ve really had to manage my time better. After wasting time sitting in […]
Limited Cognitive Focus
I have written about how getting up early can help your productivity in the past. I know this through experimenting with getting up early and also having extensive knowledge of staying up late and getting up late. In short, getting up early is better. Through my experiments I wasn’t really sure why getting up early […]
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