A few years ago I stumbled upon a blog that really struck a chord with me. The blog was Chaos and Pain. It was mostly about lifting weights, porn, and steroids. However, there was a few blog posts that really set itself apart. The author of the blog wrote a few articles on what he […]
Fixing your Diet
For some reason a bunch of women at work were talking about diet recently. They mentioned how they wanted to lose weight and needed my opinion on what to eat. Do they go low carb? How does fats enter into the equation? These are some of the most annoying questions to me because these same […]
How to cure seasonal depression
In the last couple of weeks I’ve been suffering from bouts of depression that is hard to describe. I’m doing the usual things to combat depression, like lifting and working on something, but it wasn’t having an effect. I live in Philadelphia and the winters here get pretty cold and more importantly, are Grey. I […]
3 Badasses who Meditated
Most people don’t try meditation because they think it’s a waste of time, they don’t have the attention span, or they think it’s goofy. Meditation has a reputation as something bored middle aged women do to pass the time. In reality, meditation is one of the best things you can do for yourself. I want […]
5 Benefits of Not Drinking
Last year I experimented with not drinking. I did this because I have a drinking problem and thought it would be a good idea. The results of not drinking for 4 months were enough to make me seriously consider not drinking ever again. However, I went to a few weddings, and the experiment ended. Once […]
Strengthen Your Immune System
Recently Donald Trump won the US Election and sent every Hillary supporting liberal into a complete and total tailspin. They are looking for answers and blaming everyone for their loss. In this chaos, they are left to wander the abyss of the mind without any notion of what to do next. The way forward is […]
Heal Your Body With A Float Tank
Last week I went to my buddy’s bachelor party in OCMD. I wound up drinking liquor for a whole day and having one hell of a hangover. I felt under 100% for 3 days after that. It wasn’t the worst hangover I’ve ever had, but it was one of those hangovers that lasts and makes […]
LA Fitness Review
When it comes to fitness you have so many options that you could become paralyzed by choice. Once you get the discipline up to start working out regularly, it then becomes a choice of what to do, how long to work out, and what supplements to take. Another decision that you will have to make […]
Easy Bachelor Meals
I grew up in a very good traditional family in which my mother made meals every night. She’d also make me lunch pretty much every day. While it could be argued one way or the other on how healthy these meals were or whether they met my caloric needs, the fact remains that I was […]
How To Use Road Rage To Your Advantage
I’ve had a number of crazy commutes in my day. One of only things that gets me extremely pissed off these days is having to sit in traffic. Sitting behind a wall of red lights is never fun. Though years of having to wade through the masses, I’ve learned how to control my anger. I’ve […]
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