A lot of people on sites like this one are promoting books that they like to help guys in their lives. I myself have a couple books that I recommend in my resources section. To be honest, a lot of the books I recommend are some of the usual suspects. The reason I believe you […]
One Way To Figure Out What To Do
Recently I’ve been playing around with the idea of what it means to get up in the morning. In the past I’ve written about how getting up early can lead to more productivity. I have found this to be true through experience of actually getting up early. See what I did there? Obviously getting up […]
Losers Hate Winners: Tim Tebow Edition
3 different incidents took place that made me sit back and really analyze why people hate a winner. The first thing that happened was that I watched the 30 for 30 documentary about Christian Laettner called “I hate Christian Laettner.” In the documentary, there are a number of writers and commentators who come out with […]
How To Handle Anxiety
Recently I’ve done some experimentation with Phenibut. I haven’t gathered enough data points yet to do a full review, but it’s an exciting dietary supplement (drug) that actually works. Most drugs that you can buy at a store are at best cut with rice flour and at worst complete garbage. Phenibut is a drug that […]
How To Stop Energy Vampires
Through my life I’ve come across a bunch of people who are actually energy vampires. When dealing with an energy vampire, you really have two choices, succumb to them or get rid of them. The problem is that most people don’t even know what energy vampires are or that they even exist in the first […]
The Call of Authenticity
In order to be truly free, you have to free the mind first. You can be free in every other aspect of your life, be it having unlimited money, a lovely wife and kids, and a bodybuilder’s physique, but if you are inauthentic, you will never be able to truly enjoy any of it. Before […]
Live your Dream
I just recently got back from visiting my former boss Vince in the ICU. He was rushed to the hospital during the weekend and found out that he was suffering from liver failure. When I got there no one was there, just him lying in a bed hooked up to a bunch of tubes. He […]
Don’t be a Jobber
Here at Striving for Freedom we’re all about attaining freedom in all areas of our lives. We’re not about just showing up to some job you hate just to make money to live. There’s a name for people that do that, it’s called being a Jobber. A “Jobber” is a term from professional wrestling to […]
Obtain Balance
Here at Striving for Freedom we are seeking freedom in all areas of our lives. I have broken it down before into 3 sections of health, wealth, and relationships. However, it’s important to go about achieving freedom in these areas in a balanced manner. The problem is when you start to get out of whack […]
Carpe Diem-Tom Cruise Style
Anyone following me on Twitter will understand that I’m a huge fan of Miami Vice. I’m a big fan of the style, the guns, the music, and in a former life I wanted to be a detective. What’s interesting about Miami Vice is that it was created by Michael Mann who is also a very […]
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