I have written about how getting up early can help your productivity in the past. I know this through experimenting with getting up early and also having extensive knowledge of staying up late and getting up late. In short, getting up early is better. Through my experiments I wasn’t really sure why getting up early […]
Hagakure Review
A lot of people on sites like this one are promoting books that they like to help guys in their lives. I myself have a couple books that I recommend in my resources section. To be honest, a lot of the books I recommend are some of the usual suspects. The reason I believe you […]
One Way To Figure Out What To Do
Recently I’ve been playing around with the idea of what it means to get up in the morning. In the past I’ve written about how getting up early can lead to more productivity. I have found this to be true through experience of actually getting up early. See what I did there? Obviously getting up […]
Take A Break
When you are trying to run an online business, at some point you will realize that there is never an end to what you could be doing. I have all these projects that I’m working on and I’m starting to go insane! The idea that work is never done is starting to bleed into any […]
Warming Up Is Key
One of the things I have found while doing some writing is that it’s hard to go from just sitting there on your laptop into a flow state. The reason it’s difficult to make that transition is because it’s difficult to actually start. This is the same with anything. I talk about warming up being […]
Phenibut Review
Update 8/18/2016: Happy Hippo seems to be out of phenibut currently. Check out Liftmode Phenibut instead. Before reading this, please take a look at my Medical Disclaimer. In short, I’m not a doctor. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements. Thanks! Sometime around November of 2014 I came upon some websites talking about a drug […]
Losers Hate Winners: Tim Tebow Edition
3 different incidents took place that made me sit back and really analyze why people hate a winner. The first thing that happened was that I watched the 30 for 30 documentary about Christian Laettner called “I hate Christian Laettner.” In the documentary, there are a number of writers and commentators who come out with […]
Do One Thing Today
Back in September 2014 I wrote about doing “Just Two Hours” of work a day. This was meant as a way for someone who can’t muster the will to do any work to get started. My rationale was that if you can trick the brain into thinking your work isn’t a big deal by doing […]
How To Add A Full Width Header In Genesis
I really like the Genesis themes. They offer a lot of functions out of the box that other themes would require plugins for. They also look very nice and are responsive. This means that all you have to do is upload the theme and your website will work on laptop, tablet, and mobile without any […]
How To Get Flexible
I have done a lot of sporting activities and there was an effort placed on stretching to stay flexible. I have since come to find out that none of the methods of stretching that they proposed were any good. The coaches were more interested in no one getting hurt than they were in actually getting flexible. […]
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