Before reading this, take a minute and look at my Medical Disclaimer page. About a year ago I was in need of some money. I had a lot of spare time on my hands so I started to apply to some jobs that I saw. I have moderate to severe social anxiety and going to a […]
Conspiracies Exist
Over the past 15 years I’ve read about every conspiracy you could ever think of. After all this time, I’ve yet to come across someone that doesn’t believe in conspiracy theories. Everyone believes in them, it’s just a matter of what brand of conspiracy you buy into. Unfortunately, most people don’t think about conspiracies this […]
5 Ways to Avoid Becoming A Crumb
I’ve had the great pleasure to be in contact with a number of cubicle office drones. Every time I talk to them it’s a therapy session where they dump on me their complaints for the day and what they would have done differently if they could. I try to impart on them the idea that […]
Cernovich Nootropics Stack
A few months ago I read a great article called “How to Write 10,000 Words a Day“. In the article, it goes through a process by which you can write 10000 words a day and get massive work done. One of the things about making content is that the more you make, the better momentum you […]
LA Fitness Review
When it comes to fitness you have so many options that you could become paralyzed by choice. Once you get the discipline up to start working out regularly, it then becomes a choice of what to do, how long to work out, and what supplements to take. Another decision that you will have to make […]
Music To Write To
Whenever I’m writing, I like to put on music in the background. Something about having music on puts the never ending distracting thoughts on hold and lets me just write. Some types of music works better for this and I find myself going back to the same tracks over and over again when I’m writing. […]
Easy Bachelor Meals
I grew up in a very good traditional family in which my mother made meals every night. She’d also make me lunch pretty much every day. While it could be argued one way or the other on how healthy these meals were or whether they met my caloric needs, the fact remains that I was […]
Use Your Imagination
Using your imagination is one of the most important things you can do to achieve freedom in your life. The reason for this is that without your imagination, you are “stuck” in whatever world you are currently in. With your imagination, you can create new worlds for yourself and make them happen. Unfortunately this ability […]
Rights Don’t Exist
The other day I was having a conversation with someone about the true goals of feminism. My theory was that it was a CIA mind control program to create better worker slaves by breaking up the family and indoctrinating the youth in government mind control centers. The answer I got in return was completely irrational […]
How To Go From Consumer to Creator
One of my biggest addictions is sitting watching movies over and over again. I’ll justify it by saying I’ll just watch while I’m eating breakfast or lunch, and before you know it, I’ve seen the movie Fast Five 30 plus times. This type of mindless consumption is very addictive because it allows us to turn […]
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