Folks, this isn’t my first rodeo. I’ve been dumped by girls a couple times in the past. It’s part of the reason I hate women. Wait what? What I’m trying to say is that I have a good amount of experience in having to deal with this. This is usually a time filled with emotional […]
Get your shit together
A lot of what I talk about on this blog has to do with self development. To achieve a life of freedom, that usually entails developing your character first. Don’t feel bad about it, this country has been fostering drones for years through the education system. Just recognize it and change it up, it’s not […]
Why I quit my job
My last day of work at my 9-5 job was on September 27th. This was a monumental day for me as I was planning my exit for two and a half years before that. As soon as I started working at my former company I realized I would have to leave, and it took two […]
Boldness every day
One of the ways to combat boredom in your life is to do some bold shit every day. Recently I had the opportunity to partake in the Polar Bear Plunge in Sea Isle City New Jersey. The day of the trip, I woke up sick. I had to wrestle with either going through with the […]
Setting short term goals to achieve greatness
Yesterday I had an incredible insight into how to become great and love life. I know that sounds incredibly lofty and intense, but stay with me here. I figured this out while shoveling snow! What I figured out while doing this manual labor I instantly translated into the other aspects of my life. Use this […]
Order out of Chaos
Understand that when you go on the path to freedom in your life, a bit of Chaos comes with the territory. To achieve an Ordered peaceful life, first you must destroy you old way of thinking, and perhaps your whole old life. Introduce a little Chaos. Embrace Chaos instead of fighting it, and life becomes […]
Everyone has an expiration date.
One of the biggest obstacles facing anyone trying to become free is the fear of failure. The reason for this is that failure leads to other things. If you go an try something, take a risk, and fail, the fear of the consequences is a very real thing. This is but an obstacle, nay, the […]
Using video games to leverage your money making mindset
Undoubtedly this will be one of the strangest posts on this site, however as I sat the other day thinking about people who make a lot of money, I realized we shared the same line of thinking before. I mean, once you are making huge amounts of money every month, you stop thinking in the […]
2014 Goals
It’s now the new year and I realized I haven’t sat down and made a list of my goals for the next year. I think it’s pretty important to get a list together of everything you want to see happen, just so that when the next year comes around you can look back and see […]
The secret to finding happiness
A lot of men suffer from depression. I am one of them. My depression isn’t debilitating, but I get low after being lazy all day. I attribute this to a feeling of being lost. We are searching for a path to take or some way out. After trying a number of different things and searching […]
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