Here’s the deal: I’m going to tell you my experience in doing the program. I will not reveal to you the specifics of what the program is besides saying it’s 12 habits that are to be done each day that will instill a sense of discipline in you. Day 1: I should start by saying […]
Disorder bleeds into everything
A little background on my idea for this post is necessary to get where I’m coming from. Back when I got my license to drive, my parents had this idea that getting driving lessons for me would give me lower insurance costs. I’m not sure if that’s the case or not, but getting driving lessons […]
Monday is the best.
This post was inspired by Victor Pride’s post here 5:00 AM Already up for 10 minutes sitting in bed because my brain woke me up excited for a new week. My alarm wasn’t needed. This never happened back when I was working a 9-5. Oh no, back in those days I’d hit the snooze button […]
Why you should consider an internet business now
If you’ve been following me at all in the last couple months you’ll know that I have quit my job and created my own SEO writing business. I basically saw the writing on the wall at my old job coupled with the fact that I couldn’t take any more of the bullshit there. I had […]
How to start a blog
I know a bunch of people who have asked me how to start a blog. They don’t have any kind of web presence and assume that it takes some kind of coding work to have a blog. As it stands in 2014, you don’t need any coding work at all. There is software that is […]
Creating Habits Guide-How to do the stuff you need to do every day.
I have had trouble in the past setting up good habits for myself to get stuff done. Often I find myself distracted or not able to even start a project that I know I have to get finished. This mostly has to do with working from home and making money. I have figured out a […]
Hacking Productivity: Artificially Create Restrictions to Do More
I’ve been working from home the last couple months and discovered something. I’ve noticed that when you work and play in the same place, differentiating between the two can become troublesome. It’s hard to be productive when you can’t concentrate. As a response to this, I’ve developed a few techniques in order to artificially boost […]
Meditation Guide: How to get your head to shut up.
For the past year I have suffered from bouts of Insomnia and more recently Panic Attacks. I always have attributed this to the voice in my head not shutting the hell up. Yap yap yap all day. My inner voice is always on trying to tell me stuff I should be doing and reflecting on […]
How to Get Motivated: No Bullshit Guide to True Motivation
I’ve recently seen a string of new motivational videos on youtube. Most of them contain some kind of awesome clips of people rock climbing and doing awesome stuff with scores from movies. I have also seen numerous blogs wherein the authors will write a bunch of articles putting you down for being a schlub, and […]
Getting big for skinny guys: Finally start getting results
I have a lot of experience in being a skinny dude. In the past 3 years, I have made strides in putting on weight and getting stronger. The process by which I made gains was an interesting journey. It involved changing everything I was doing in the gym. In doing so I found myself working […]
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