My name is Tate. I’m a 30 year old man residing in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. I make a living on the internet. Many people have called me lucky for this. Luck has nothing to do with it. It came about from a conscious choice to change after years of frustration.
Working on the internet has allowed me such a greater degree of freedom than before. I no longer have to wake up to alarm clocks or be told what to do by someone. I run the show now.
My Story
I have worked for a silly amount of random jobs that have seemingly nothing to do with each other. I’ve been a telemarketer, an office manager, a security detective for macy’s, a car detailer, a clerk at a beer distributor, and a cubicle dweller for a healthcare compliance company.
These jobs had their strengths and weaknesses. Some would pay well and be completely mind numbingly boring, while others were exciting and fulfilling work, but didn’t pay that great. However, what they all shared in common was that I never had the freedom to do the job how I wanted to do it. I was always taking orders on one level or another and that never sit right with me.
After working at the healthcare compliance company for about 3 years, I decided it was enough and I would try giving online businesses a try. After reading for years about SEO, Blogging, and Article Marketing, I decided to give my online business a shot.
Although extremely frightening at first, making the leap and quitting my job was the best thing to happen to me. It feels so much better to be working for yourself and not have to conform your life to your profession.
Why the Striving for Freedom Blog?
Most people I know called me silly for up and quitting my nice safe and secure job. There’s a number of reasons why I went about doing that, but one important reason is that I’m obsessive about freedom. I absolutely hate being told what to do. I thought that since I have a history of starting sites and doing SEO work, I’d start a blog as an outlet for my ideas.
My thought process is that maybe someone can glean something useful from my own ideas about freedom and independence. Believe it or not, I don’t think my ideas about calling the shots for yourself or complete freedom are very popular despite what most people will tell you. Hopefully I can encourage others with this blog. If not at least I’ll be able to make that voice in my head quiet down for a little.
I break it down like this, in life you have to have complete control and dominion over your health, your financial situation, and your relationships. What does that entail exactly? I believe the path to freedom starts with health. With health, you need to keep your body in tip top shape. Your body is a shell for your consciousness, if that shell fails, what hope is there for anything else in life? In this vein, I have striven to stay fit through a number of different avenues. Just as important as physical health is your mental health. What would a body be without a mind to run it?
Unless you want to be a homeless person, getting your finances in order is a part of being a free individual in our society. This usually involves making more money. I have found for myself that working for yourself is the best, most fulfilling, and more importantly most profitable way to do that. We’ll discuss the various methods on how one would go about working for themselves. Although starting your own business is a daunting task, the age of the internet has made it easier than ever to get started.
Relationships are the spice of life. Unfortunately because of social conditioning a lot of us are scared to do simple things like talk to other people. Having social freedom in making new friends, romantic relationships, and networking is a skill that makes life much better and worth living. The fear from being in social situations is something I have dealt with in my own life and it’s one of the most irrational things ever. Getting over this is one of the best things you can do to obtain more freedom in your life.
The beauty of tackling these areas of your life is that getting one area under control usually has a synergistic effect on the other areas as well. The key here is to have balance though and not go after one area at the expense of another. On this blog we’ll be discussing how to get each of these areas of your life under control in the most efficient and effective way possible.
I am not some online marketing guru who is pushing some kind of silver bullet get rich quick scam. While it’s simple to obtain more freedom in your life, actually taking action and doing work is difficult. This will take some real soul searching on your part along with a lot of patience. Yes, some of these ideas are ambitious, but hey if you really want more freedom enough I think they’re achievable.
Thanks for taking time to read about myself and the blog. I hope you stick around and check out the site more thoroughly.
-Tate Smith
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