I’ve had the great pleasure to be in contact with a number of cubicle office drones. Every time I talk to them it’s a therapy session where they dump on me their complaints for the day and what they would have done differently if they could.
I try to impart on them the idea that you can do it, all it takes is just doing it. Then I get the usual critiques about having a house, kids, being married etc.
It’s never too late to change course to being a crumb, but it helps to never go down that road to begin with.
What is a Crumb?
(n.) Someone who is a combination of negative attributes. This person is dumb, lazy, incapable of doing anything required of them, and a pathetic piece of shit.
Someone who complains about everything, yet does absolutely nothing to change his situation is a crumb. Unfortunately, when you talk to people, it seems like their default mode of conversation is bitching about some bullshit instead of acting on it.
Crumbs are all over the place and the more you associate with them and be around them, the chances that their crumb nature will rub off on you.
It’s imperative that when you identify a crumb, you nip the crumb behavior in the bud. The way you do this is twofold:
- Call the person a crumb.
- Tell the person to stop being a crumb.
Sounds crazy, but this works wonders. I’ll be hearing someone talking either to me or in my general area and I’ll say, “Hold on, let me stop you, you’re being a total crumb, stop.”
They will either accept that they are a crumb and change course, or they will get butt hurt and stop talking to you. Either way, you win.
This is how we save the world, by calling out crumb like behavior until it’s vanquished forever.
100% Crumb Free Population
I’m not sure if it’s possible to have a completely crumb free population. I like to imagine a finer world in which no one is a pussy, but at this point, crumbs abound.
The best we can do right now is to discourage crumb behavior around us and more importantly ruthlessly cut it out of our own lives.
I’ve identified 5 major points that every crumb I know has failed to do. Follow these steps and you’ll avoid being a crumb.
Figure Out What You Want To Do
Figuring out what you want to do in life seems like an obvious point, and it is. When you start talking to a majority of people around you, they have the fascade of having their life together.
In reality, most people have no point to being alive.
They are merely wandering through life aimlessly day to day, month to month, year to year. They do this long enough until time starts speeding up and sure enough, they are old with nothing but regret.
This is by design.
We grow up going through years of schooling where there is some abstract goal of graduating to the next level. Once we finally graduate, it’s up to us to decide what is next.
After being told what to do for years and being ruthlessly disciplined for having any independent thought, most fall right back into working for someone else without much thought.
This is the Crumb Industrial Complex at work.
It’s only after years of working for someone else’s vision that some people wake up and decide to stop being a crumb.
Don’t make that mistake and figure out what you want to do before anything else, then do it.
Make More Money
In every type of role playing game I’ve played, there’s some form of currency. This currency allows you more freedom to unlock more options and generally have a more rewarding experience from playing.
This somehow gets overlooked in life.
Having options is always better than being stuck. The way to have more options is usually the ability to buy them. You can’t buy them if you have a limited amount of money coming in every month.
This is why you should do everything you can to set up multiple income streams and get paid for your work done, not for your time. This way you can get paid what you’re actually worth instead of being in a situation of getting underpaid for being worked to the bone.
Key areas to focus on are sales, persuasion, copywriting, and online business.
Everyone has the time to learn this stuff and create income streams for themselves, yet most will never take action on it. It’s seen as some huge hurdle to pay for a course or read a few books on a subject, yet these are the same people who go into massive debt to go to college.
Not setting up ways to make more money for yourself is a recipe for being a crumb in this day and age.
Put in the work and get your systems set up. Once the money starts rolling in, reinvest in your streams and make more money come in. This will free up your time and give you plenty of options.
It’s rare to see a man with options exhibiting crumb behavior.
Exercise Your Meat Vehicle
A lot of guys out there have forsaken the importance of staying fit and being healthy. They are too busy and don’t see the need.
It’s not about getting chicks or looking good. That’s just the icing on the cake.
It’s about having a fully functioning meat vehicle.
You are born with one body and have to travel around in it every day. How fit you are has huge implications with how you feel on a day to day basis.
The secret is that once you start letting it go, it’s not immediate that you start feeling like garbage. It’s incremental. It isn’t until you wake up 10 years later looking like a bag of shit that you notice you are depressed and acting like a total crumb.
Stay vigilant on your health by lifting on a regular schedule. Lifting weights is the best way to stay fit. Lift weights and make it difficult for your body each time. Each session should be a mentally taxing process that forces you to dig deep.
The benefits of lifting like this every week make it almost impossible to become a crumb.
Don’t Talk About It, Be About It
The brain is a very tricky thing. Sometimes it will trick you into thinking you are taking action and moving forward, when in reality you’re going nowhere.
This is what happens when you start talking about “big plans” you have.
I’m skeptical whenever I hear anyone talking about what they are going to do. I’ll believe it once I see it.
Crumbs love talking, and not doing anything. They love talking about sports, and never playing them. They love talking about how they would beat someone up behind their back, but never having the stones to confront them. They love talking about how much money they are going to make, but never work.
Completely eliminate talking about the future with other people. They don’t want to hear it anyway. Just show everyone through your actions.
This also applies to behavior. The best way to get people to realize they are being a crumb is to not be a crumb yourself and have them notice.
Focus all conversation on what’s happening now.
Play The Hand You’re Dealt
You can’t help your situation that you’re born into. Some people are geniuses with model looks, others are 5’4 115 growing up in a poor household.
In either situation, it doesn’t matter.
For the crumb, the past inescapable. They are tied to the idea that life owes them something and that the reason they haven’t succeeded yet is because they were held down.
Life owes you nothing, and the only one holding you down is yourself.
Once this belief is internalized, you have the power to change anything you want in your life. The biggest obstacle to doing what you want, is the guy in the mirror saying you can’t do it for whatever reason. Fuck that guy, he’s a crumb.
Beat the inner crumb down with a baseball bat every day, because the next day you wake up he’ll be there again to complain.
What does privledge matter in this day and age when all it takes is to take action? Anyone can change their circumstances.
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