If you missed my first week of doing 30 Days of Discipline, check here.
Day 8
Back to getting up early today. Interestingly enough it wasn’t a problem. Felt pretty good upon getting up and wasn’t tired at all. Perhaps it takes about a week to reset your clock. Absolutely crushing work now, and it feels great.
In the past I have sat in front of my computer for what seemed like hours without doing anything and would always get depressed. I’d resign to saying something like, “tomorrow we’ll get it done”. I did more work today for my site than all of last week, I am pretty blown away at how well this program is working.
I was pretty skeptical when I first started. I was thinking, how is doing stuff like getting up early going to effect my working habits? Here’s the deal, being disciplined in one area bleeds into all other areas of your life. I’m a believer.
Day 9
I got up a little later than usual today which is a little disconcerting, but still within the bounds of the program. That being said, I felt like a million bucks all day.
I’m noticing that when I actually go to bed around 9-10 PM at night, I will have totally insane dreams. I personally think this is a good thing because it’s one indicator to me that I’m having a really deep sleep. In my previous night owl days, I’d stay up to 5 AM some nights and then go to sleep and I never thought it was very restorative.
I’m currently working on having multiple blog posts come out per week and I pulled together two today. My new system for doing a post is I’ll open a google drive doc and bullet point topics I want to cover. I’ll then head into wordpress and just have the bullet points be the different headings. It’s working pretty good so far.
Day 10
Today is the all star game for the softball league I’m in and I was voted into the game by the members of our team. The game starts at 5. I wanted to be fresh and rested for the game so I went to bed around 9:30 last night. Unfortunately I woke up in the middle of the night as I’m apt to do at around 2:30 AM. I wasn’t able to fall back to sleep and heard the alarm go off at 5:00 AM.
I had the option of getting up and starting the day on less than optimal sleep or go back to bed and rest up. I opted to rest up. I wound up waking up around 11:00. I must have been really tired.
This solidifies in my mind that getting up early actually leads to more productivity. I sat around for a couple hours today doing nothing but watching tv before I snapped out of it. In the past I was skeptical of this program because I thought, why does it matter what time I get up as long as I’m getting work done. Logically this makes sense until you start to count how much work you got done on days where you don’t get up early. Don’t skip getting up early unless there’s a really good reason for it. As always, I’ll just keep going.
Day 11
Woke up right on time today no problems. Got my exercises done early and got to work. I’m doing work with my blog posts in the future integrating video. It’s a bit rough as you can by the videos in this post. I’m not used to hearing my own voice or being on camera, so I’ll have to adjust.
Writing is just flowing now as opposed to sitting down and taking hours to write 1000 words. My motto for doing work during the program is to just do it, think about it and ask questions later. In the past I’ve suffered from analysis paralysis a lot. In reality, I’ve already thought about it and know how to do it, I just needed to actually do it.
I’m actually back to doing a lot of work today and wanted to expand on my thoughts from yesterday about getting up early. It’s possible that getting up early has a subconscious effect in which you start work right away because you need to justify getting up early. Hey, if that’s true, I’ll take it.
Day 12
I pretty much wasted the whole day. I ended up getting really drunk last night and was throwing up today from being hungover. It doesn’t mention drinking in the 30 Days of Discipline, but if you are going through the program, you should not be drinking at all.
I actually have a drinking problem, so I can speak with some experience here when I say you really shouldn’t be drinking at all even while off the program. I’m trying to salvage the day with some work later in the night, but today obviously could have been better served working instead of feeling like shit. Anyway, I’ll keep moving forward tomorrow.
Day 13
I had to get up around 10 today as I could hardly sleep last night. Seriously my sleeping has been so erratic that I’m not even sure what to do. This is most likely from me being poisoned from alcohol the day before but it’s still worth mentioning.
I’m basically chalking this up as a loss of a day in regards to getting up early, and doing the daily exercises. I’m just trying to recover as I’m still feeling the effects of being hungover. My chest muscles and throat are all hoarse from retching so much by throwing up. That being said, I refuse to let a whole day slip by without accomplishing my tasks.
I had a couple things I wanted to do today and I got them done. It most likely took me longer to do than normal, but still got them done.
I feel like an idiot for letting all this time slip by consuming too much alcohol, but there’s nothing I can do about it but double down.
Day 14
Woke up around 10 today which is kinda interesting as I went to bed around 9 PM last night. I did wake up at 5 AM and was feeling perfectly fine, not tired at all, but I knew I still needed rest and went back to bed.
Got up and just tried to relax for a bit and watch some football. Because I failed a few days back I decided to go do a bunch of work today and polished up a bunch of blog posts to be released in the next week.
After dinner decided to do a couple little tasks to get a head start on the next week.
Week 2 Analysis
What I take away from this week is that the program is pretty difficult to accomplish, and you may have some times where you fail. I think the point is to just keep moving forward and double down your efforts if you do end up failing.
I have noticed that the ability to push through resistance and to get your work done has carried over from the first week, and I plan on getting back on the ball next week. This program is working, and I’m super excited for next week to release everything I’ve been working on.
If you are interested in starting 30 Days of Discipline for yourself, click here.
I see you’re from B&D too. Probably got this blog started with badnet I bet lol. Good stuff.
I’m on day 7 myself and I gotta say, my whole approach to life has changed. It’s all so simple yet so effective. Keep at it boyo!
Haha, I certainly used Metro as I really loved the design of it. I was blogging years before BADNET existed, but I wish I started with them as it would have saved a ton of aggravation. So much stuff I had to figure out on my own that could have been avoided. One thing with 30 Days is that it will get harder, by the end of the 2nd week you will start wondering why you are still doing it. Keep it going though!